ROCK HILL, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – Clinton College welcomed its student body back to campus during the school’s annual convocation on Wednesday.
During the gathering several speakers gave words of encouragement and offered advice that students can carry with them throughout the new academic year.
Clinton College’s president Dr. Lester McCorn swearing in the newly elected members of the Student Government Association.
Our cameras caught up with Student Body President, Tamiya Johnson-Charles, who said she’s ready to lead this year, and encourages all students to come together to help Clinton College reach its full potential.
“I know our campus is small but the only way for us to grow is engagement. We have to come out and support everybody and everything,” Johnson-Charles said. “We have to be the ones to make the change, be out there being on the front lines doing all the things that need to be done to allow Clinton to grow and become better.”
The convocation ended with President McCorn leading the dedication ceremony of the Clinton College Blazers. Students say they’ll wear these red blazers every Wednesday, with the jackets serving as a reminder of where each student comes from, as well as where they’ll go.