Call Before You Dig To Avoid Damaging Pipes That Run Under Your Yard

YORK COUNTY, S.C. — It’s August 11th, better known as 811 day, a time to remind all of us to call before you dig.

Any job that requires a shovel requires a call to 8-1-1, so you don’t damage the pipes that run under your yard.

Those pipes include your natural gas line, water and sewer and cable lines.

One York County homeowner learned the hard way what happens if you don’t call before you dig as York County Natural gas crews had to respond to a frustrated neighborhood.

“Our guys this weekend were called in on an emergency because someone was putting in a mailbox and hit all the utilities and knocked out 24 customers in that area,” Amy Cassidy with York County Natural Gas Authority said.

Cassidy says 30 percent of damages happen when people don’t call before they dig.

If you plan to dig in your yard, everyone from professionals to homeowners, you need to call 8-1-1 three business days before you begin your project to give crews enough time to come and mark your yard accordingly.


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