Navy Spec-Ops set to drop in to York from the sky for upcoming National Night Out event

YORK, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – The U.S. Navy Spec-Ops Unit is headed for York but not for any type of military mission, instead the soldiers have been invited by the York Police Department to participate in the agency’s 12th annual National Night Out event set for this Saturday, September 23rd between 12 P.M. and 4 P.M. at the York Rec Complex.

Officers announced that the event postponed in August due to bad weather, is now back on the calendar and will feature Military demonstrations with Navy soldiers set to repel from a flying helicopter to show off what it’s like to secure a hostile landing zone.

Many other agencies will also be at the event with their own displays, including members of the bomb squad, mounted patrol, and more. The Police Department added a car show will also take place between each agency, and guest will have the opportunity to vote for their vehicle they believe is the best looking.

York Police Officer, David Dover, sees this as an opportunity for members of the department to engage more with the people they protect.

“It’s a time of community and camaraderie, and that’s exactly what this is for us here in the City of York,” Dover said. “So many time citizens see our officers out on the road in the uniforms, but they’re going call to call to call. They don’t have that time to really conversate and socialize like they would like to.”

Officers say the event is free for everyone and will feature music, free food, games, and prizes to be won.

Organizers suggest all arrive early to the event at the York Recreation Complex on 74 4th Street, as demonstrations will begin right at 12 P.M.

Officers do recommend visitors bring their own hearing protection as demonstrations will use live simulation rounds that sound just like the real thing. Safety measures will also be in place.

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