(CN2 NEWS) – Juneteenth is this weekend and there are many events throughout the Tri-County you may want to attend in person or virtually.
In Rock Hill Juneteenth will start its celebration at Food Truck Friday with a table setup with information to raise awareness about the Juneteenth holiday. This will be at Fountain Park in Rock Hill.
Also on Friday, June 18th and Saturday, June 19th and Sunday, June 20th as a part of the Juneteenth celebration Rock Hill theatre presents, “The Freedom Journals”, a virtual performance. You can learn more about the performance and how to watch here: www.rockhilltheatre.org .
On Saturday, June 19th  there will be a West End Elementary School Historical Marker Dedication Ceremony. The ceremony will be at 9:30 A.M.
In Lancaster there will also be a Juneteenth celebration on Saturday, June 19th on Main Street. There will be food, vendors, and more. This is a family-friendly event from 6 PM until 9 PM. More information can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/638259930898156/?ref=newsfeed
The town of Clover will host a Juneteenth Clover Freedom Ride on Saturday, June 19th. Organizers are asking the community to decorate your cars, bring signs, flags and spirited voices as many go through the town celebrating Juneteenth. The ride will end at Roosevelt Community Park with a live DJ and food trucks. The event starts at 5:45 PM. More info here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2021-juneteenth-freedom-ride-tickets-148857100595?fbclid=IwAR1YFBV3sijIeJIX5KNql8I6scCGl40-fp8PyI64UYDmGLY16lgdAiFeE-E0Â