Governor’s Order Means Optional Masks in School



TRI-COUNTY (CN2 NEWS) – The State Superintendent of Education canceling the face mask policy for students in South Carolina schools.

This all coming about after Governor Henry McMaster issued an executive order that allows parents to decide on whether or not they want their own children to wear a mask in school.

Then State Superintendent Molly Spearman dropped the face mask policy in schools on this Thursday.

School districts across the Tri-County releasing statements on what they’ll require in schools, and at the Lancaster County School District office they say, they will follow guidelines including DHEC guidelines, that will give students the chance to opt out.

Lancaster County School District Superintendent, Dr. Johnathan Phipps, saying, “You know it puts us in a really tough position because even the waiver says that wearing a face mask is recommended. You know in the Department of Education has said that they didn’t believe that the Governor really had the authority to do what he did but, they are not going to pick up fight and they just want things to run smoothly. Parents have some very strong opinions about this, and you know the school house and our business shouldn’t be a place for a political debate and arguments, we just want to keep folks safe.”

In his executive order Governor Henry McMaster saying “…With every adult in our state having the opportunity to receive a vaccine, it goes against all logic to continue to force our children – especially our youngest children – to wear masks against their parents’ wishes…”

Now, the State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman’s office is saying “… Rather than wage a debate over constitutionality that would pit elected officials, students, and families against one another, Superintendent Spearman has, effective immediately, rescinded the state face covering policy with the exception of the school bus requirement that is now required by the federal government…”

Chris Christoff with the Chester County School District says, “One thing that we want to make parents aware of this that this only extends to the school building. So there are federal regulations that still require us and students to wear facial coverings on school buses and that’s stated in this waiver as well. So we ask parents to please go through it thoroughly understand what you’re signing in continue to be patient with us.”

The Chester County School District office leaders are saying that they will also continue to follow guidelines allowing parents to use that DHEC waiver form to opt out of wearing a mask inside schools.

In the video above, CN2’s Rachel Richardson caught up with Tri-County school districts as they process these new decisions.

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