CN2 Digital Dashboard – No More Cash Payments in Tega Cay

City of Tega Cay

TEGA CAY, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – Beginning October 1st, the City of Tega Cay will no longer accept cash as payment for city related payments.

That includes but is not limited to, Utilities, Permits, Business Licenses, Fees, Parking Decals, Recreation Programs, Beach & Swim Center and Court.

They city say they are doing this to help minimize the rotation of cash on hand, so that no cash boxes are needed.

Leaders say it is a safety issue for staff who has to carry that cash to the banks on a daily basis. Also they say using cashless options such as credit cards, checks, and online payments leaves more of a paper trail for tracking. The city says all this is to improve safety, security, and efficiency.

They will continue to accept all other forms of payment, such as credit or debit cards, checks, money orders, cashier checks, and online payments.

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