100 Years of Celebrating Children – Kiwanis Club Celebrates With Gift

ROCK HILL, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – The Kiwanis Club of Rock Hill is celebrating 100 years as an organization and they’re celebrating by giving back.

Though the actual anniversary occurred during the pandemic, the club is now honoring theĀ  milestone by sponsoring a playroom at the Main Street Children Museum.
Organizers say the gift is keeping with the Kiwanis mission and their donation will cover the next 5 years operation of the Throne Room.

The Throne Room is a place where children are able to dress up and act out as a Prince or Princess – using props for dress up play.

Kiwanis Centennial Chairperson, Andrea Cooper said, “We are just now getting to celebrate with the unveiling of the Throne Room here at the museum. Anyone who knows about Kiwanis knows we are all about the children, changing communities one child at a time. And, what better way to celebrate than by opening up the Thrown Room with a total overhaul for the community, for the children. So we are excited to unveil this today and celebrate with the community

Children’s Museum Manager Sarah Lewis says, “Play is an integral part of childhood and here we foster a large since of play with our playscapes and all of our programing and enriching childhood. It helps them develop social skills motor skills all sorts of things that they can practice here in a social settings”

Leaders say the gift was a combination of money raised from membership, along with community donations to their foundation.

The Main Street Childrenā€™s Museum offers fun, educational activities created for ages birth through 6 years of age and the artwork there is based off of Vernon Grants work.

Opportunities are all around as Kiwanis is dedicating their energy, resources, money, time, etc. towards uplifting the Rock Hill area.

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