YORK COUNTY, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) The York County Regional Chamber, hosting a legislative event, bringing together leaders from across the state and county to discuss challenges and successes in York County.
On this York County Day, the focus is on moving the county forward.
Rick Jiran with Duke Energy and who also sits on the York County Regional Chamber’s board says, “Today’s an exciting day because even though we all wish that we were back to normal in the pandemic never occurred, it’s also opened up some opportunities on the business side as well and York County Day is a perfect example of that.”
For more than 30 years, legislators and leaders have come together for York County Day. This year’s top topics of discussion, economic development, transportation and education. Leaders say a lot is changed in the last year alone, and they’re looking forward to the future.
Representative Raye Felder of S.C. District 26, saying, “It’s now been a little over a year when schools closed down last March, and we’ve had a lot of difficult situations to overcome. Not only how do you transport children, how do you keep them safe in the classroom, as a state I think we’ve done very very well. I think the end of last year we were somewhat in a state of education emergency just trying to find someway to keep these children engaged. It’s worked very well in some parts of our state and in other parts it did not work at all.”
Education leaders say the pandemic taught school districts across the state a lot, but the task now is making sure students are ready to move forward — ensuring studies and information is being retained. South Carolina and York County transportation needs, also being discussed. The Palmetto state is the 6th fastest growing state in the nation and has the 4th largest highway system. Leaders say roads should keep up with that growth.
Senator Wes Climer of S.C. District 15, says, “The long range transportation plan which is significant, this is what we can look forward to in the future by virtue of the fact that you have such extraordinary population growth and at a point now where we simply cannot out build that growth. But, blessedly there is some relief on the way.”
That relief coming in the form of some major projects in the county the Gold Hill Rd, the New Panthers exit, the SC-160, and the SC 161 Cherry Rd and Celanese Road, interchanges. Overall, leaders say business leaders and members of the community need to get involved in these types of conversations — events like this help connect people to lawmakers and leaders.
“Get engaged. It’s one thing turn to the person next to you and say, ‘they need to do this.’ It’s another thing to become engaged with those that can make those decisions,” says Jiran.
In the video above, CN2’s Rachel Richardson, speaking with a few of those leaders about the future of the county.