Road to Recovery for Lancaster County Boy

LANCASTER COUNTY, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) The family of a young boy who was badly burned in a fire is back home.  Brooke Stacks says Sunday morning was nothing short of a nightmare.  Her son, Connor, 7, is suffering 2nd and 3rd degree burns

It happened when Connor was helping Stacks’ girlfriend throw out the trash, which they typically burn. they didn’t realize there was an aerosol can inside.

“I said Connor is waiting outside for you to light a fire. So she went over there and told him to stay back, and she lit it, and they had turned around to come in and eat breakfast, and it just exploded,” says Brooks.

The good news is Connor is expected to make a full recovery, but until then what helps him is knowing he will soon be able to play baseball again.

If you’d like to help Connor’s family with medical costs and travel costs, the family has a GoFundMe page.


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