NarroWay Productions Builds Sets For Upcoming Show Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

FORT MILL, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) — NarroWay Theater, the Broadway of Christian Entertainment, is working on the set for its upcoming production.

The current pandemic forced it to close its doors a couple weeks ago.

“One of the largest shows that’s ever ever happened on this stage. It’s going to be absolutely amazing, dynamic,” said Alisha Hutchens, NarroWay Operations Manager.

Roughly 15 volunteers and staff members are also redesigning the way the theater will look for years to come. But the theater company is getting prepared in a unique way because of COVID-19.

“It’s almost 4,000 square foot of spray foam that’s happening on the set, probably the largest ever in S.C. The set, choreography, the singing, the casts, the acting, the blocking, the costumes, everything is really, really taking a step up,” Hutchens said.

In the video above, CN2’s Sarah Obeid takes us through the building process and what they’re doing to follow guidelines and get the job done.

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