ROCK HILL, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) As the COVID-19 vaccine continues to be administered there seems to constantly be new guidance from DHEC and the federal government that creates new questions about the vaccine.
In a two-part Series, CN2’s Rachel Richardson is answering some of your technical and medical related questions when it comes to the COVID Vaccine.
Dr. Craig Charles is Affinity Health Center’s Medical Director. We’ve taken medical questions from our viewers and CN2 Facebook followers about the COVID vaccine and are getting direct answers.
The most common question Dr. Charles says he’s gotten is, ‘will the vaccine infect people with COVID-19?’
DR. CHARLES: “Well the most common question we get about any vaccine is, will this vaccine give me the infection that we’re trying to prevent and the COVID vaccine is not a live virus vaccine. There are few of those that we still give,…most of the vaccines that we give now-a-days is not a live virus vaccine but the COVID vaccine is the same. There is not a live germ in there.”
CN2 Facebook follower, Katie Fischer asks, “What’s the purpose of getting it if you’ve already had a mild case of COVID and recovered fine?”
DR. CHARLES: “The answer is you can get the vaccine after you’ve recovered from the acute illness so that’s for most people it’s not very long usually a matter of days or weeks. But, people can choose to wait up to 90 days to get the vaccine. Simply because, the data is shown that no one who gets the COVID infection, gets re-infected inside of 90 days.”
CN2 Facebook follower, Mary-John Martin wants to know, “Who should not get the vaccine?”
DR. CHARLES: “If anyone has a history of an anaphylactic reaction to a medication and then we are taking precautions with keeping handy the tools to use to treat them if they were to show evidence of that kind of reaction.”
CN2 Facebook follower, Carol Solomon Szer says, “Concerns about being able to get the second vaccine. I had my first but they did not schedule me for my second. Very concerning.”
DR. CHARLES: “You really should never get the next shot early but you can always get it late that’s not a problem. If someone misses their appointment and there’s several months after they should’ve should’ve gotten that next dose, we can get them the next time we see them but if they show up a few days early, for their appointment, we can’t give it early we have to wait.”
We know there are many of you who have lots of other questions when it comes to the COVID Vaccine and next, we will take a look at some of the technical questions we received from our CN2 Facebook followers — specifically, questions about how to get signed up for the vaccine. A Rock Hill city official will take us through the steps of how to get on the website and how to fill out the application.