YORK COUNTY, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – If you want to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity you’re going to have to show your vaccine card first. Habitat had to not just slow down, but even stopped for a time, because of the COVID pandemic.
Habitat for Humanity of York County is starting its first build of the year and as more people get their COVID vaccines, the non-profit is ready to bring the community back together.
Tim Veeck with Habitat for Humanity of York County says, “Except for maybe a brief two to three month period in 2020, when the numbers were down in the pandemic, this will be the first time since right before Thanksgiving that we’ve been able to do that. And so, we are incredibly excited about the community getting back involved in the work.”
Habitat for Humanity hopes to complete three home builds this calendar year, and start a fourth. They also hope to complete at least 30 home repairs which can average around $6,000 each. They say as more people get vaccinated there will be more opportunities for community volunteers to come back out and lend a hand.
Veeck saying, “I think as more people become vaccinated and we’re starting to see some of the, just some of the rate of infections and stuff decline, people feel like they want to get back out and make a difference.”
Habitat for Humanity of York County can normally expect up to 1,500 to 1,800 volunteers per year, but because of the pandemic and safety guidelines, it’s had to scale back to 15 or 20 people. Now, asking people to verify that they’ve been vaccinated by showing a vaccine card, Habitat prepares for 2021’s builds and the community can now be invited back out to help. Volunteering for one year with Habitat of York County, one volunteer says he enjoys making a difference in a family’s life.
Gerald Myers saying, “Well it’s amazing to see the impact it has on people’s lives, particularly all young families like a mom and a child, you see them moving into a home with the stability and the other things that provides. It’s a lot of satisfaction for me to see that happen.”
“It’s probably more critical now than ever that we provide more opportunities for homeownership that’s affordable for the long term,” says Veeck.
Habitat for Humanity of York County leaders say they are telling people up front that vaccine verification is a requirement, and they hope the community understands.
Tim Veeck says Habitat for Humanity of York County continues looking for people to volunteer and looking for corporate sponsors. For more information on how you can get involved you can visit www.YorkCountyHabitat.org.
In the video above, CN2’s Rachel Richardson is learning how Habitat of York County is starting back up and getting more volunteers back out.