CN2 Today – singer & songwriter, Maurice Williams to be honored

ROCK HILL,  S.C. (CN2 TODAY) – Singer and songwriter, Maurice Williams of Lancaster County is set to be honored during a celebration this Saturday, April 29th.

Williams wrote and produced the hit song “Stay” which was the number one Billboard song in 1960.

There were several other men who also sang with Maurice including Lancaster’s own Earl Gainey and Lebo Blackmon.

In the interview above, the men talk with CN2 Today’s Renee O’Neil about what it was like to sing with Williams and how they plan to perform on Saturday at the celebration.

The celebration is free and open to the the public. It will be at the Lancaster County Community Center, located at 508 East Meeting Street, Lancaster.

The event is at 10 AM and there will be music, dancing, food, and more.

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