ROCK HILL, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – Rock Hill has responded to a lawsuit filed against the city from the Rock Hill School District.
In the lawsuit, the Rock Hill School District claims the City did not keep up their end of an agreement from 2020. According to school board officials, the district agreed to give the city an additional $85 million dollars in property taxes towards the city’s Downtown TIF to help with revitalization of the Knowledge Park area.
Some terms tied to that agreement include student educational space in Knowledge Park, help to rezone a school property to later develop as affordable housing, and help with utility costs.
The Rock Hill School board chair said those terms have not been met and the only option left was to file a lawsuit.
The City responded with a statement that said, “The City has met all obligations required under this agreement with the School District – an agreement that has already resulted in the City providing over $6-million in costs savings for the School District since 2020.
The City of Rock Hill went on to say, “We are disappointed with the current dispute and have made every reasonable effort to work with the School District – as we have always done in the past.”