American Red Cross Making Changes, Still Helping Families Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

SOUTH CAROLINA — The agency known for how they respond to emergencies – the American Red Cross – also making changes amid COVID 19’s outbreak.
also making changes amid COVID19’s outbreak.

The American Red Cross is trying to do as much work as it can, while also minimizing contact. But something that hasn’t changed – its work to help families.

The video you see above was shot before social distancing rules were implemented, but it goes to show you the work the organization does to help others.

In March – the Northern South Carolina chapter had 14 disaster cases and helped 47 people.

Joe Hayes with the American Red Cross says the organization continues to respond to emergencies and connecting families with their many partners here in the Tri-County.

“We’re doing things virtually as much as we can, a lot of data intake, but other than that – fires and other emergencies don’t really discriminate, so they’re not going to stop happening or occurring just because of the outbreak, so our volunteers are prepared,” Hayes said. “We’re doing things like making sure they have technology they need to continue to respond.”

One ongoing need the Red Cross continues to see is the need for blood donations.

Hayes says, especially now, people are hesitant to donate blood, but the need is there.

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