ROCK HILL-Author CT Kirk created a book entitled “How the West was White Washed”, a book that suggest history isn’t quite written the correct way since the beginning of the Civil War. CT Kirk spoke about how African Americans contributions were misrepresented or unheard of through the years.
“A lot of what was talked about in the west was concerning Europeans Anglo-Saxons but there was never stories that I saw that really pointed to the African American contributions in the west and I thought being an educator and were always talking about telling history and telling it the right way, that I needed to write a book that talked about these contributions,” said CT Kirk.
CT says his goal is to have this history known all over the world because its important to know the real history and not just the bubble gum history we’ve been taught over the years.
The book signing will take place on February 6th, to learn more about it follow “CT Kirk” on Facebook for more information.