Lancaster Co. Schools Plan to Return to 5 Days April 12th

Books on table with chalkboard background in the school

LANCASTER COUNTY, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) The Lancaster County School District announced it will be returning to 5 day a week in-person learning on Monday, April 12th with the virtual option still available for the remainder of the school year.

This decision was made after the Tuesday, March 16th regular school board meeting.

School district leaders say the COVD-19 infection rate and quarantines are dropping significantly in Lancaster schools and offices. This decision will also put the district in line with surrounding districts.

Lancaster County School Superintendent, Dr. Johnathan Phipps said, “It’s going to be tough. Some districts have moved faster than we have. I make no apologies for that. We looked at the CDC, DHEC, and South Carolina Department of Education to guide us…by the time we go back (five days) most of our teachers will have had the opportunity to get their first vaccine and some will have received their second. Our infection rate is the lowest it’s been in a long time, if ever. All these things together, it is really moving in the right direction.”

Other news from the boar meeting includes athletics will be played and will follow the same protocol as the first semester.  Also district high schools are not planning proms this year due to social distancing concerns.

High school graduations will be held on June 10th and 11th. Each graduating senior will receive 6 tickets.

More information will go out to parents and students.



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