Rock Hill S.C. (CN2 News) – When Grant and Alex Bohnen came up through the boy scouts, they knew they wanted to do respective- but related eagle scout projects.
And what better one to do than one that honors our nation’ great flag.
Alex was responsible for step number 1 right here at fire station 2 on cherry road:
“This is my flag drop box were people can retire flags,” Alex Says. “It’s so people can show respect for the American flag.”
He knew one box would not be enough to meet the demand of flags that need to retire.
“I have four boxes throughout Rock Hill- actually, two in Rock Hill one in New Port and one in Bathesda, all at fire stations,” Alex says.
While Alex was able to make sure that four of these boxes were spread out across the tri-county- his brother Grant has an option on where to take the flags once their dropped off.
Around the corner at Winthrop Lake, step two of the project was created.
“For my part of the project, I made a flag retirement plaza with a fire pit and an interpretive sign for the purpose of having a designated spot for retiring old united states flags,” grant Bohnen says.
This project wasn’t an easy feat- grants saying, “we didn’t do it all in one big chuck we kind of spread it out, it took a few months to plan it all out.”