City of Rock Hill, “Always On” When it Comes to Preparing for Events

ROCK HILL, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – “Always on”, that’s a part of the city of Rock Hill’s logo and security leaders with the city say it describes their team, adding they are always preparing for major events when it comes to the safety of those who attend.

After the recent mass shooting at a 4th of July parade in Illinois where 7 people were killed, we reached out to Rock Hill city leaders about what they do to prepare for events and if they regroup after a tragedy like the one miles away.

Hometown Security Coordinator for the city of Rock Hill, Tom Glenn says it doesn’t take a tragedy to get him team to regroup, adding they are “always on” and working to improve their efforts when it comes to coordinating a big event such as the recent Red, White and Boom Festival which can draw nearly 10,000 people.

Glenn says they work several months in advance with organizers, city departments and even the county to come up with the best plan of action to keep people safe and secure.

Learn more from city officials in the video above.

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