York County Seeks Public Input on Countywide Parks

YORK COUNTY, SC- York County Council continues to plan for the County’s growth, and having public access to parks throughout the County is a vital part of that plan. Before decisions are made, the County is seeking the public’s input through an online survey, which can be accessed through this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YoCoParks.

There goal of the survey is to capture current park usage and to determine the public’s interests when planning for existing and future outdoor recreation amenities in the County. The survey consist of 12 questions and takes about five minutes to respond.

“York County Council recognizes that parks and greenspace are critical components to managing growth, attracting high quality economic development, and improving our quality of life,” said Council Chairwoman Christi Cox.  “The Council is committed to developing County parks in a way that best enhances the lives of our citizens, and we encourage residents to participate and provide input through the online survey,” said Chairwoman Cox.

The deadline for survey submissions is Wednesday, March 31, 2021. The survey can also be accessed at www.yorkcountygov.com or a paper copy can be obtained in the York County Manager’s Office located within the York County Government Center, 6 South Congress Street in downtown York.


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