INDIAN LAND, S.C. (CN2) – UPDATE- The voter turnout for Indian Land’s incorporation was very high officials are saying, but the unofficial results make it clear voters do not want to become a town.
9,086 voted against the incorporation, and 1,853 voted for it. This is the third time this issue has been filed, but it has never gotten this far. Those for the incorporation say the democratic process was followed, and thanked the elections board. Some even said they will not be participating in the campaign in future. Three years must pass before the motion can be refiled. However, organizers are sure it will come up again.
Councilman Brian Carnes who represents Indian Land and is a native, says timing may have been an issue. With more than 83% of voters against the idea, officials with Lancaster County doubt the vote will be swayed at the certification hearing the 29th of March.
Many of those voting against the incorporation of Indian Land spent the evening celebrating their victory at Midtown Sundries.