YORK, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) Students from York Comprehensive and Clover High School getting the chance to show off their skills. The Utility Line Worker Program having its first ever student showcase at the Utility Line Worker Training Ground.
Students reaching high to achieve their goals as they participate in York Comprehensive and Clover High School’s first Utility Line Worker Rodeo, in partnership with York Technical College.
Clover School District’s Carrie Bolin saying, “It’s estimated that there will be 500 line workers needed in the Charlotte region over the next five years. That is why we decided to try to help employers fill that gap by starting this basic line worker certificate program.”
Going through several stations at this Wednesday’s rodeo students say they can’t believe how much they’ve learned in the program.
One utility line student of York Comprehensive High School, Skylar Baucon says, “We came along way, a very long way, all of us have — York and Clover.”
Utility Line Instructor Donald Hamrick says, “The students here, will be an apprentice lineman when they are through with their program, basically it’s the end of the program right here. And they’re an apprentice lineman. They can just about do anything that an apprentice can you you, they are very sharp, they’re skills are good, you know so, they can leave here and go to work.”
Eleven students showcasing, one unable to showcase because of an injury — showcasing their talents and skills, what they’ve learned over the last year, in front of family members, their instructors, and more importantly employers. The program’s leaders say that the biggest takeaway could be a potential career.
Floyd D. Johnson Career and Technology Center Director, Dr. Lee Green says, “The prize that the students will win is more important than anything, anything tangible that they will get. They hopefully, with the partners that are here, some of the students will get opportunities to go to work in the energy industry after today.”
Partnering with 15 to 20 different industry partners who are looking for line workers those employers say these students are the future of their companies.
Rick Jiran with Duke Energy saying, “And what it does, is it gives that self-assurance that the future is bright. These are fantastic students doing a great job, and we know as age-out in our jobs, there’s going to be fantastic people that are going to come behind us and replace us.”
In the video above, CN2’s Rachel Richardson speaking with students and leaders about the opportunities being showcased.