Tag: training facility
Negotiations Continue On Carolina Panthers Property In Rock Hill
ROCK HILL, S.C. -- The Carolina Panthers organization is waiting to break ground on its 200-acre property in Rock Hill. The city is still continuing...
President Trump Tweets SCDOT It Will Have Almost $35 Million For...
ROCK HILL, S.C. -- President Donald Trump is tweeting to the South Carolina Department of Transportation, the city of Rock Hill and York County. Take...
Rock Hill To Hold Special Called Meeting Following Approval To Bring...
ROCK HILL, S.C. -- The city of Rock Hill is holding a special called meeting tomorrow, Friday at 2 p.m.to follow-up on York County's...
New Details, Date for Groundbreaking on Carolina Panthers Training Facility Unveiled
COLUMBIA, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) The I-77 Alliance, which includes five South Carolina counties that share Interstate 77, held their annual summit in Columbia on...