CHESTER COUNTY, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – The Great Falls Police and FBI are investigating an attempted robbery of an ATM at a Federal Credit Union in Great Falls on December 11th.
The Great Falls Police Department says a red work truck was seen in a parking lot of a car wash on Chester Avenue attempting to pull the ATM from its location by using a chain and truck.
The report said the truck recovered had been reported stolen from Lancaster County.
Authorities are asking the public for help in this case and to please call the Great Falls Police Department at (803) 482-2145 if you have any information.
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In the early morning of December 11th, two unknown men, observed driving a red in color work truck into the parking lot of the car wash located at 503 Chester Ave. They attempted to pull the ATM from its secured location by using a chain and the truck that they were driving. The Chester County Sheriff’s Office responded after receiving the call just before 6:00am and now has been turned over to Great Falls Police Department and because this was a federal credit union ATM, the FBI has been notified.
At this time the truck has been located, which was reported stolen from Lancaster County. We are asking the public for any information that they may have on either the Larceny of the vehicle or the attempt on the ATM. Please call the office at (803) 482-2145. you may leave any information on the voice mail anonymously.