YORK COUNTY, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – The York County Coroner’s Office says its unfortunately seen an increased in drug-related fatalities in 2022.
According to officials since January 1st, 2022 there have been 108 overdose deaths. 84 of those are confirms, with 24 awaiting toxicology results.
66 of those 84 confirmed deaths have been related to the drug, Fentanyl, officials say.
In 2021 the York County Coroner’s Office established an outreach program called CORE, which stands for Community, Overdose, Review and Education.
Leaders say CORE was designed to gather community partners in order to create transparent awareness to educate individuals about the culture that surrounds overdoses, while implementing preventative measures to reduce the amount of fatalities throughout York County municipalities.
Because of support from community partners, the office was about to create a space where people can vocalize their opioid concerns within their city and get education on statistics and the truth of what investigators are seeing.
The coroner’s office says its main goal with CORE is to bridge the gap in communication between our office and the public to unite as one in hopes of preventing the death of someone or their loved ones.
The office plans to continue CORE into 2023 and will hold the public forum events quarterly.