YORK, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – York County Council decided at their last meeting to not move forward with a plan to turn a mobile home park, located at McAfee Court in York, into a 400 home community with the promise of affordable prices for those in need.
In June of 2022 York County Council voted to approve the first reading of that same rezoning request, but at their most recent meeting, and with several new faces now on council, members instead voted to deny the rezoning during it’s second reading.
CN2’s Zane Cina visiting the mobile home park as resident’s react to York County Council’s decision. One of those resident’s being Katy Thomas, whose lived at McAfee Court for more than 9 years. She feels the Council made the wrong choice in denying a developer’s request to rezone the mobile home park.
“It was going to give us the chance to own something that was ours, and be in the place that we’ve raised our kids, made friends, become a family.” Thomas said.
She couldn’t attend the meeting where the rezoning request was denied, but says she heard each council member’s arguments, and was most surprised to see her own district representative, Tommy Adkins, disagreeing with her.
“I am not for high density anywhere in this County. I’m sick of it, I’m farm background I’m a original from here. I’m sick of seeing the houses piling in and seeing all the farms leave” Adkins said.
He also argued at the meeting that the developer’s project plans changed too much over the past 6 months, leading the councilman to believe residents were being overpraised by the builder.
Many McAfee Court resident’s say council’s vote has left them feeling looked down on.