Hometown Hero — Surgical Specialists of Charlotte




ROCK HILL, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) Serving in the medical profession, here in Rock Hill for more than 30 years two surgeons from the Surgical Specialist of Charlotte say they’ve always felt called to serve their community.

Dr. Schroeder and Dr. Corey Crain have been with the practice for more than 30 years. Surgical Specialist of Charlotte, formerly Rock Hill Surgical, has been in the community since just right after World War II. Looking back, both doctors say a lot has changed and there will be even more to be missed in retirement. Both say they’ll miss bond they’ve developed with people.

Dr. Christopher Schroeder says, “Is that is that I still have patients to this day that I operated on for cancer in ’87 or ’88, and I still see every single solitary year.”

Dr. Corey Crain says, “Well that is the people, I won’t miss so much the grind necessarily, but the people here in the office, my partners — daily interaction with them. People in the operating room, of course my patients — so yeah it’s gonna be harder to replace that if not impossible but, so yeah that’s the main thing I’ll be missing for sure.”

Now, both surgeons are CN2’s latest Hometown Heroes.

In the video above, CN2’s Rachel Richardson has our latest Hometown Heroes.

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