Four Thousand Gallons of Gasoline Spilled by Mistake

YORK COUNTY, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) York County officials say gasoline was pumped into the wrong port of an ungrounded tank at the Lake Club Marina in Rock Hill. According to a press release from York County, last Saturday four thousand gallons of gasoline was pumped into the wrong port of an underground tank.  This resulted in the gasoline being spilled into the environment.

Chuck Haynes with York County Emergency Management says even though the spill hasn’t been cleaned up yet, right now the fuel is in a second container directly under the underground storage tank.

“We feel like and DHEC feels like the lake is clean and the water is clean,” said Hayes.

Right now that gasoline is sitting somewhere under an underground storage tank, and is not impacting the lake.

“Even though we’re confident that the tests are showing that the safety chamber is holding, there still may be some leakage and in the worse case scenario, we would like the public to know what’s going on with their lake,” said Hayes.

South Carolina’s Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is working with contractors to make sure that worst case scenario doesn’t happen.  A DHEC spokesperson told us during a Facetime interview that until the gasoline is cleared out, they’re constantly testing the water to make sure it’s clean.

“Everything is contained in and around that storage tank and we see no impact to the lake,” said Tommy Crosby, who’s the spokesperson for DHEC.

This is relief for grandparents like Robin Furr, who plan to spend the holiday weekend with family on the water.

“I think they keep everything pretty much taken care of up here – this is a good place to live,” said Furr.


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