Det. Mike Doty’s Legacy Lives On, 5 Years Later

YORK COUNTY, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – Five years ago this week, York County Sheriff’s Detective Mike Doty lost his life in the line of duty and three other officers were seriously hurt, Buddy Brown, Kyle Cummings and Randy Clinton.

Since those tragic events, Doty’s passion to serve has lived on in many ways including the 809 Foundation which was created in Det. Doty’s honor.

In addition to the 809 Foundation, other efforts to help law enforcement officers have been started including the nonprofit Hungry Heroes as well businesses in Fort Mill going blue each year for Mike Doty.

In the video above, CN2’s Renee O’Neil sits down with Doty’s twin brother who also works in law enforcement as he and others carry on Mike’s mission.

Info about 809 Foundation:

York County Sheriff Kevin Tolson released the following statement to CN2 News about the 5 year anniversary.

“I’m proud of the men and women at the York County Sheriff’s Office for the way that they handled such tragedy and adversity.  We have come a long way and still have a way to go but adversity builds character and this Ooffice has a lot of character.  As always, our thoughts and prayers are continuously with the Doty family.” Tolson

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