CN2 TODAY SHOW: Summer in Clover, Sol Cafe, Summer Safety & More!

CLOVER, S.C. (CN2 TODAY) – On this week’s edition of CN2 Today, host Renee O’Neil takes us to the town of Clover to learn about its summer events.

Plus, the new Sol Cafe is now open in Rock Hill. We get taste of its breakfast, brunch, and lunch!

Marybeth Knapp brings us our pets of the week by the Humane Society of York County.

And Summer can be fun but it can also be dangerous. An expert at Piedmont Medical Center shares tips to keep us safe.

Plus, who doesn’t like a big bowl of cereal? How about 26,000 servings! Pilgrims’ Inn in Rock Hill getting just that from Piedmont Medical Center!

Click the video above for the full show!


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