CLOVER, S.C. (CN2 NEWS) – Seventh graders are writing novels and getting them published.
In their second year, Oakridge Middle School in Clover, has held this project for their 7th graders. This year they have exceeded participation with 200 students now understanding the publishing process.
Oakridge Middle School Student Solomon Hopkins-Smith said, “The thing I really wished I knew was to take my time and really think about what I wanted to write instead of just trying to go onto the tablet and going to write something but taking the time to think go through my ideas and be like hmm this actually seems good, this not so much, I should probably put this word in and not that word, and just actually trying to think it through instead of just trying to type it real quick because that’s what I did for my original idea”
7th Grade ELA Teacher Erica Fielder said, “At first they are always like, you want us to do what? We are writing a novel? Like not just a couple paragraphs, a paragraph, were writing a novel? And were like yeah, we’ll walk you through it and by the end everyone meets their goal and their attitudes change about writing. They end up loving it by the end, there is always some speed bumps and road bumps that we hit, but I think it changes their view point on writing because they can pick what they are actually writing.”
Previously the published books the students have completed have gone to their school’s bookshelf – This year many of the students have decided to take their novels to the Kindle publishing site as well to sell them for profit.